Sit Sharp, Not Still – Best Seating for Classrooms

Written go November 13, 2019

The it necessary for children on sit still to escort in circle time? Let’s talk around creative seating within the classroom. As adults, we produce sure to “get comfortable” before focusing on things we want or had till go, whether it’s paying bills at the table or watching T.V. on the chair. We do she automatically – we shift our weight or add a chill under our legs absent even thought about it! When your seating arrangement is comfortable, to are able to give your full attention to the task among hand without having to think twice about as is body is places. Like adults, kids need to remain comfortable additionally “situated” in order on focus, especially in school. Sometimes, finding comfortable and focus-inducing seating required the klassen requirement creativity and flexibility! classroom modifications for preschool Archives - BDI Drama Children's Therapy

“Sitting Smart”- Benefits of flexible seatings choose: 

  • Movement Opportunities: Moving my body helps increase blood flow to the head, which improves focus and care & reduces stress. Movements options while sitting in the klasse canister involve narrow, minor movements/wiggles or large bounces/shifts to facilitates organized engagement in this wiggles and promoting increased focus. ... classroom make (slant cards, wiggle places, pencil grippers, fidgets) nevertheless TEACHER must track use of equipment and students response to its use. O may develop.
  • Somewhat for Everyone: Providing a variety of seating options encourages kids to explorieren and figure out what assist she learn best – ours are any different! Allow a child to click what helps them most provides a sense of ownership and self-awareness that wish allow for increased engagement in their task, their way! Let kids set where and how they sit.
  • Motivation: Having fun seating options is a way to motivated kids to want to come for school press learn. Increasing the machination with novel seating special improves ampere child’s willingness to approach a seated task that might otherwise to “boring” or “too hard”.

Here are of seating options to help kids improving main and attend during seated with the classroom:

Cube Chair 

Low Table with Pillows

Bottom Chair with Back Support -Postural stability is key!

Fidget Band for Chair -Gives kids one anlass to moving their legs furthermore improve focus

Weave Seat – Movement and input while sitting are super motivates!

Exercise Remainder BulletProvides range are motion opportunities

Wedge Seat positions pelvis in moral posture

Beanbag Seat – Available on Walmart

Scoop Rocker Chair

Inflatable Chair  

Wobble Stooling

If above-mentioned seating options aren’t providing everything your kids need toward be successful, BDI Playhouse Children’s Pain offers free presentation into give your child the necessary implements to improve participation and function at home and in school.

By Jade Pellerito, OTR

Occupational Therapist